So…what do you want to FEEL like in 5, 10, 15 years? Truly, what do you want your body, mind and spirit feel like? Have you ever thought about that?

Perhaps; Healthy, Content, Full of life, Deeply connected and intimate with yourself and others?

Are you currently feeling overwhelmed, stressed out, achey, kinda numb, in survival mode, tired or maybe just not as coherent/aligned “good” as you think you could possibly feel? Do you wanna shift that?

This journey is all about curiosity, exploration and truly SHIFTING things inside of you and out in SMALL and SUPPORTIVE ways!

Sex hormones are our one of our biggest life forces! If we are showing signs of misalignment there then well there is a BIGGER PICTURE going on! (IT DOESN’T MATTER WHAT STAGE OF LIFE YOU ARE IN WE ALL MAKE SEX HORMONES..YES EVEN POST MENOPAUSAL WOMEN)

Most of us have some sort of a “stuck cycle”. Some sort of imbalance that occurs from the mildly annoying to much more impactful. Is that really a surprise in the current state of the world?

In fact I AM a midwife and for many years I didn't truly understand my own hormonal health and how EVERYTHING impacted and weaved into it…until it all started crashing down on me. In my imbalance I sought to gain a much DEEPER understanding of the hormonal experience of me and what I found was a whole lot of conflicting advice, get healthy quick schemes, band aids in the form of 15 minute doctor visits and offerings of pills and just general bad advice.

In these 10 days my goal is to EMPOWER you with specific information on how hormones work, what gets in the way of them being in balance AND to offer you to SHIFT into an actual EXPERIENCE of greater alignment with your Whole Body Health…hormonal and emotional health (at any age and stage).

This is a journey is about hormones AND SO MUCH MORE! The most EXPANSIVE and interesting conversation and EXPERIENCE around hormones you have ever had!

You see what I found on my journey (which by the way is still continuing) is this.

Hormones aren’t static and they OF COURSE are not operating alone! Hormones are majorly influenced BY LITERALLY ALL THE THING…including your thoughts, stuck and unresolved stress, your diet, your blood sugar, your stage of life, the light that you do or don’t take into your eyes, your life, your life style, past trauma, plus all the external crud in our environment and SO MUCH MORE!


Our hormones can also IMPACT and are IMPACTED by all the things our moods, our sex drive, our digestion, OUR VERY QUALITY OF LIFE and so much more…because again we are an ever evolving hormonal blueprint from month to month.

Some of us are perpetually stuck in a misalignment it’s because well….there isn’t much change! At the same time you you don’t know what you don’t know; so let’s change that and the SHIFT!

This 10 days is both packed with information AND experiences to help you begin to shift into alignment

This 10 days isn’t meant to heal you, you and your actions heal you, it is meant to give you information, to help you see yourself and what is happening in your body and to then to make those small steps forward!

You are SO MUCH more than estrogen, progesterone, thyroid stimulating hormones, follicle stimulating hormone, serotonin and well you get it!!! This is an ever shifting part of the whole of you. This journey takes both the parts and the whole and integrates them just a bit more!

So whether you are currently feeling out of balance in your hormones OR you just know how very important it is to know all about your body and you are ready for a deeper understanding then join me for this exploration!

What Is covered:

Day #1 - Arriving and Beginning to Expand the Conversation!

Day #2- Hormone Basic and Beyond: Understanding and Expanding Your Knowledge

Day #3- Sex or Stress?- Discovering Greater Nervous System Alignment

Day #4- Let There Be Light - Light’s Massive Impact on Hormones and Vitality!

Day #5- Nourishing You - Diet and Beyond

Day #6- Tapping into Your Innate Intuition & Understanding Your Bodies Communication.

Day #7- The Energetics of Hormones - Beyond the Known and Into Possibility -

Day #8- ReWilding; Using Nature as a Guide & Shifting the Cultural Narrative

Day #9- What is Stuck and How Can YOU SHIFT?

Day #10- Integration.  Bringing the SHIFT into your everyday life!

and micro rituals - small things to bring into your life each and every day that create a MASSIVE shift, deepening your connection and hormonal alignment!

10 Days to become so much more grounded, connected and wise within your body, mind and spirit!

The Container

10 days worth of recorded calls (each 30-45 minutes long). Filled with information and micro-rituals.

10 days to learn (know from our head) and to embody (know deep in our body)

Why 10 Days?

10 days is an amazing container of grounded transformation! It is a great space to truly dedicate, learn, embody and integrate what we cover. Will you be totally hormonally aligned at the end of the 10 days? Probably not because for many of us there has been quite a lot of wind up to get us to the space we are in. However, you WILL be firmly on the path and have greater tools to understanding your body!

Scroll To Hear Women’s Past Shift Experiences

  • “I am currently in the 10 day shift and I am just eating it up. I don’t exactly have the words to describe it, but it really feels magical. I have been “working on myself” for years, I even went to school to become a social worker and therapist, I’ve read so many books, I’ve been through mindfulness courses and meditation retreats, I know all the “right” answers- but it’s never worked. I could never get through or past being stuck. And for the first time I really feel the momentum. I love that this is so much more than just cognitive therapy, just mindfulness, just biology and science. It’s all of that and so much more, cohesive and all encompassing”

    Sara W

  • “This journey was incredibly helpful for me. I found the micro rituals Julie offered to be wonderfully empowering and transformational in their simplicity. With each daily topic, Julie opened another vault of fascinating insight and information for us to explore. After the course was over, we were given an abundance of resources to support us on our continued journeys.”


  • “I just wanted to say thank you so much for this amazing class! I went into it wanting a cure for my very low libido. But I got so much more out this and found all the micro rituals truly helpful and inspiring! The Sunrise and Sunset ritual is something that will stick with me and I hope to get my kiddos involved. Thank you for all you do.”


  • “Today’s session crammed about a year’s worth of therapy into 30 minutes! I resonated with SO many of the places we get stuck- I’ll have to listen to this several more times to really dig in and work here. In particular, GUILT, MARTYRDOM, & feeling OVERWHELMED coming from things we keep inside vs letting them out in addition to just being busy.”

  • “Loving the early morning light! And as a side benefit, everything about my mornings feels better when I’ve been up in the quiet space alone, gone for a walk, had stillness to read and pray before the day starts. All around a gift, thank you for sharing!”

    Sarah A

  • “I have been so blessed by this experience, it was exactly the "shift" I needed. I have really been struggling with my mood, having welcomed a new baby into our family 4 months ago and having a toddler deep into her 2's has been challenging on the mind, body, and spirit. This course has reinforced so many things that I already knew but wasn't putting into practice, and introduced some truly game-changing ideas that I'm so grateful to continue working with.”

Registration $222


The Shift and one Soul Midwife Medicine Session

Are you so excited about this 10 day experience AND you are sure that you are also going to want some individualized support for your unique current pattern? You are welcome to “upgrade” your experience to include a ReWilding journey. This personalized 90 minute session helps us dive deep into your experience and do some healing and aligning for your individualized needs, you come out with a self created alignment plan.


  • No! It was initially offered as a live class and maybe again. If I do run it live again you will have access to the live version for now it is all recorded sessions for you to use as desired.

  • This experience will suit any women who desires to connect and learn more about and align deeper with her body!

  • Why yes you can! Post menopausal women still make 60% of their sex hormones! This will help you optimize that!

  • Yes and NO….the information goes so much deeper and wider! The learning truly is very expansive and covers neurotransmitters, hormones, your relationship with yourself, nourishment, boundaries and SO MUCH MORE! It’s ALL CONNECTED!